@thesis{thesis, author={IKSAN S M.}, title ={ANALISIS USAHATANI BIBIT RAMBUTAN PADA PB SEJAHTERA DI DESA BAKKA KECAMATAN SABBANG KABUPATEN LUWU UTARA}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.umpalopo.ac.id/386/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the effect of capital, fertilizer and labor on rambutan seed production at PB Sejahtera in Bakka Village, Kec. Sabbang Kab. North Luwu. The data used are primary and secondary data by collecting quantitative data. The results of this study indicate that the t statistical test shows the value of Prob. capital variable ie0.0254 smaller than 0.05 based on these results that capital has a significant effect on the amount of production. In fertilizers, the research results show that the Prob. on the variable fertilizer of0.0178smaller than 0.05 based on these results that fertilizer has a significant effect on the amount of production. the results of research on the t statistical test that the value of prob. on the labor variable, namely0.0047 smaller than 0.05 based on these results it can be seen that labor has a significant effect on the amount of production. Suggestions that can be given are (1) Profits in farming are not determined by production alone, therefore farmers need to adopt agricultural policies to continue to intervene as necessary in setting prices. (2) Farmers should see and pay attention to the seeds they produce so that consumers can be satisfied with the results. Keywords: Farming Analysis, Capital, Fertilizer, Labor, Production} }