@thesis{thesis, author={Ainul Fahmi and ANDI Nurhayati and FAUSIAH NURUL}, title ={PENGARUH SELF-ESTEEM TERHADAP KECEMASAN SOSIAL BAGI KORBAN BULLYING SMAN 10 LUWU}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.umpalopo.ac.id/4936/}, abstract={ABSTRACK This study aimed to determine the effect of self-esteem on social anxiety for adolescent victims of bullying. The independent variable was shel-esteem and the dependent variabel was social anxiety. This study applied quantitative research methods with additional validity and reliability tests. The sampling technique ased was probability sampling technique with the type of stratified random sampling method. Respondents in this study were students of class XI mipa 1, 2, and 3 SMAN 10 Luwu namely 84 people. The tool used is the SPSS typy 22 application. The results of this show that there is effect of self-esteem on social anxiety for victims of bullying. Keywords: Sehel-esttem, social anxiety.} }