@thesis{thesis, author={Mayanti Andi and Setiawati Yuli and Wati Wati}, title ={ASUHAN KEBIDANAN CONTINUITY OF CARE PADA NY ”A” MASA HAMIL SAMPAI DENGAN KELUARGA BERENCANA DI PUSKESMAS WARA SELATAN KOTA PALOPO TAHUN 2024}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.umpalopo.ac.id/5248/}, abstract={ABSTRAK Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo Program Studi DIII Kebidanan LTA, 29 Mei 2024 WATI Asuhan Kebidanan Continuity of Care Pada Ny ?A? Masa Hamil Sampai Dengan Keluarga Berencana Di Puskesmas Wara Selatan Kota Palopo Tahun 2024 Continuity of Care (COC) merupakan pelayanan kebidanan yang berkesinambungan yang bertujuan untuk menurunkan AKI dan AKB. Menurut WHO (2019) Angka Kematian Ibu (maternal mortality rate) merupakan jumlah kematian ibu akibat dari proses kehamilan, persalinan, dan pasca persalinan yang dijadikan indikator derajat kesehatan perempuan. Asuhan pada Ny. A umur 44 tahun GVPIVA0 bersifat Continuity of Care, menggunakan pendekatan asuhan berkesinambungan dengan cara memantau perkembangan ibu dan janin mulai masa hamil trimester III, dan memantau serta menolong persalinan, pemantauan masa nifas, pemantauan bayi baru lahir sampai penggunaan alat kontrasepsi atau Keluarga berencana. Kehamilan Ny. A berlangsung tanpa penyulit, lamanya kehamilan 39 minggu 4 hari. Persalinan berlangsung dengan baik, bayi baru lahir segera menangis, Berat badan 2.600 gram, Panjang badan 48 cm, Inisiasi menyusui dini dilakukan selama 60 menit. Masa nifas 6 minggu tanpa komplikasi dan ibu memilih Keluarga berencana suntik 3 bulan. Diharapkan bagi pemilik lahan praktek lebih meningkatkan standart asuhan 10T menjadi 14T, pada setiap ibu hamil agar dapat deteksi dini dan pencegahan komplikasi dapat dilaksanakan serta meningkatkan pelayanan asuhan di lapangan dan di masyarakat agar dapat membantu menurunkan Angka kematian ibu dan Angka kematian bayi. Kata Kunci : Continuity of Care, Ibu Hamil, Bersalin, Nifas, Bayi, dan KB Daftar pustaka : 39 References (2014-2022) ABSTRACT Palopo Muhammadiyah University DIII Midwifery Study Program LTA, 29 Mei 2024 WATI Continuity of Care Midwifery Care in Mrs. "A" from pregnancy to family planning at the Nashira Midwife Clinic in Palopo City in 202. Continuity of Care (COC) is a midwifery service that sustainable which aims to reduce MMR and AKB. According to WHO (2019) the maternal mortality rate is the number of maternal deaths due to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum processes which are used as indicators of women's health status. Care for Mrs. A aged 44 years GVIPIVA0 is Continuity of Care, using a continuous care approach by monitoring the development of the mother and fetus starting from the third trimester of pregnancy, and monitoring and assisting childbirth, monitoring the puerperium, monitoring newborns to the use of contraceptives or family planning. Mrs. Y pregnancy lasted without complicators, the duration of pregnancy was 39 week 4 days. Labor went well, the newborn immediately cried, Body weight 2.600 grams, Body length 48 cm, Early breastfeeding initiation was carried out for 60 minutes. The puerperium period is 6 weeks without complications and the mother chooses 3 months injectable family planning. It is hoped that landowners will further increase the standard of 10T to 14T care, for every pregnant woman so that early detection and prevention of complications can be implemented and improve care services in the field and in the community to help reduce maternal mortality and infant mortality rates. Keywords : Continuity of Care, Pregnant Women, Maternity, Postpartum, Infants, and Family Planning Bibliography : 39 References (2014-2022)} }