@thesis{thesis, author={Aswin A}, title ={Upaya meningkatkan kemampuan passing bawah bola voli mellaui metode koopertaif tipe tgt paadaa siswa kelas VIII mts assalam salu induk}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.umpalopo.ac.id/914/}, abstract={EFFORTS TO IMPROVE THE ABILITY OF VOLLEY BALL PASSING DOWN THROUGH COOPERATIVE TYPE (TGT) METHODS FOR VIII GRADE STUDENTS IN MTS ASSALAM SALU INDUK. Abstract Aswin (2020), This research aims to improve the ability of passing down through cooperative learning methods of team game tournament (TGT) type in grade VIII students MTS Assalam Salu Induk Bupon, Luwu District in 2019/2020. This research is a Class Action Research (PTK) consisting of two cycles, each cycle consisting of 2 meetings. The subject of this study was grade VIII MTS Assalam Salu Induk. As many as 15 students as samples in this study.. Instruments used for data retrieval in this study are volleyball passing down test sheets and observation sheets for students. Based on the observation results, discussion and results of the study, it can be concluded that the learning of bottom service through cooperative learning methods of Team Game Tournament (TGT) type for 2 cycles can improve the ability of students in passing down. This can be proven from the results of the test and observation of student learning outcomes from 15 students in the initial condition of the number of students who achieved KKM score of 75 only 3 students, and in cycle I increased to 6 students, then in cycle II, increased to 12 who achieved KKM score of 75 even more. Thus, classical completion in the class is already more than 75% of students who complete the study. Keywords: Team Game Tournament Cooperative Type, Passing Down, Volley Ball.} }