@thesis{thesis, author={Achmad Arby Wijaya }, title ={Jumlah Bakteri Escherichia Coli Pada Susu Sapi Segar Di Koperasi Peternak Sapi Perah (KPSP) Ijen Makmur Kecamatan Licin Kabupaten Banyuwangi}, year={2020}, url={https://repository.unair.ac.id/101358/}, abstract={Fresh milk produces milk without deductions or additions of certain components. Fresh milk contains a high source of nourishment for growth. However, it can be an medium of bacteria growth if it does not pay attention to the cleanliness of the centrifuga process. Escherichia coli is one of the bacteria found in milk and serves as an indicator of its quality. According to SNI, maximal limit of Escherichia coli is < 3 MPN /ml thus growth Escherichia coli will reduce milk quality. The study aimed to identify the total number of bacteria Escherichia coli used in fresh cow milk in KPSP Ijen Makmur. The sample was used by as many as 16 samples from a group of cattle farmers. Escherichia coli was used in milk tests using the Most Probable Number (MPN), 3 series of tubes. Before continuing the MPN test the milk must be diluted, 25 ml of milk is poured into the dilution of the 225ml peptone water buffered then homogenized for 2 minutes. Most Probable Number (MPN) consist of presumptive coliform test if positive was found of gas and cloudy, presumptive faecal coliform test positive was found in the gas and cloudy, confirmed Escherichia coli test if there was a black colony with or metallic green, continued by a biochemical test with red ring-positive Indole, Methyl Red positive the color is red, negative Voges Paskauer if there is no change in color, and negative Citrate will turn green. Results showed that from the 16 samples of fresh milk used there were 7 samples of fresh milk that exceeded the contamination limit Escherichia coli or < 3 apm /ml. Conclusion, number of bacteria Escherichia coli in fresh milk at KPSP Ijen Makmur wealth 43.75% of the total sample exceeded maximum contamination.} }