@thesis{thesis, author={Kemala Hayati }, title ={BEBERAPA FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KELUHAN SUBJEKTIF PABA MATA PEKERJA PENGELASAN}, year={0000}, url={https://repository.unair.ac.id/93887/}, abstract={Informal welding sector in Tempurejo and Kenjeran street is one of industry with great workers, spread location and great hazards. One of the hazard cause eye complaint at the welder eye. The general purpose of this research was to know the eye complaints that happened at the welder and the factors that influence the eye sigh at the informal welding. The advantages of this research was to be suggestion and referention to prevent and minimalize adverse health effect at welder eye in informal sector. This was a descriptive observational research. Data was taken by direct interview, questionnaire, and direct observation to with 52 respondent in work places. This research held in Mei until June 2006. The result of the research showed that most of them were 20-34 years old (55,8%) with educated level junior and senior high school (42,3%), work period <10years (67,3%). Generally welder knowledge know about the hazard at their work place and the importance of using the eye protective equipments (EPE). All of the eye protective equipment were provided by the employer, but there weren?t well maintained. The type of those eye protective equipment were included ray ban (76,9%), google (9,6), face shield (13,5%). While the kind of welding used by the worker were electric welding (48,1%) oxyasetylene (34,6)& both of them (17,3%). Cross tabulation result showed there were relation between eye complaints with worker characteristics, knowledge about EPE, frekuensy of the using EPE, type of EPE and type of welding. Based on the result above, its recommended to the welding employer and the government (Departemen of health) to give more attention to this sector by holding training measure about the hazard of welding and to improve the welders knowledge about eye protective equipment. Key word: Eye protecting equipments, characteristic of welder and welding} }