@thesis{thesis, author={Banjarnahor Jhon Henry}, title ={Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Cara Distribusi Obat yang Baik (CDOB) Pada Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF) di Provinsi Papua Tahun 2020}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.uncen.ac.id/989/}, abstract={Pedagang Besar Farmasi (PBF) merupakan perusahaan berbentuk badan hukum yang memiliki izin untuk pengadaan, penyimpanan, penyaluran perbekalan farmasi dalam jumlah besar sesuai ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran evaluasi pelaksanaan CDOB pada PBF di Provinsi Papua. Analisis data yangdigunakan yaitu pengelompokan data kuantitatif yang didapatkan dari jawaban kuesioner dan telah diisi oleh para responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebanyak 79,0% penanggung jawab bekerja antara 1-5 tahun dan semuanya adalah apoteker. 100,0% penanggung jawab PBF adalah apoteker. 83,0% PBF yang menyalurkan produk yakni vaksin, psikotropik, obat keras, obat bebas, obat bebas terbatas, obat tradisional, kosmetik, makanan, susu, dan alat kesehatan. Dalam hal SOP dari aspek manajemen mutu sebesar 72,4%. Struktur organisasi dari aspek personalia dan dokumentasi diketahui 100,0%. Peralatan dan waktu perawatan dari aspek bangunan peralatan diketahui 100,0%. Dalam aspek operasional, 100,0% PBF menggunakan sistem distribusi FEFO. Dalam inpeksi diri 100,0% PBF melakukan inpeksi diri, dalam hal POB penanganan keluhan obat dari aspek keluhan obat diketahui 79,0% mempunyai POB, 100,0% PBF diketahui mempunyaitransportasi dan kurir dan 97,0% PBF mempunyai sarana distribusi berdasarkan kontrak. Dalam aspek produk rantai dingin diketahui 76,0% PBF mendistribusikan produk rantai dingin, 100,0% PBF mempunyai POB Penanganan Narkotika, Psikotropika, dan Prekursor Farmasi. Secara keseluruhan, 91,6% PBF di Provinsi Papua menerapkan pedoman CDOB. Maka dapat disimpulkan PBF di Provinsi Papua memenuhistandar CDOB.PharmaceuticalWholesaler(PBF) is a company in the form of a legal entity that has a license for the procurement, storage, distribution of pharmaceutical supplies in large quantities in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. The purpose of this study was to describe the evaluation of the implementation of GDDM at PBF in Papua Province. The analysis of the data used is the grouping of quantitative data obtained from the answers to the questionnaire and has been filled in by the respondents. The results showed that as many as 79.0% of those in charge worked between 1-5 years and all of them were pharmacists. 100.0% in charge of PBF are pharmacists. 83.0% of PBFs that distribute products, namely vaccines, psychotropics, hard drugs, over-the-counter drugs, limited-freedrugs,traditional medicines, cosmetics, food, milk, and medical devices. In terms of SOPs from the quality management aspect, 72.4%. The organizational structure from the aspect of personnel and documentation is known to be 100.0%. Equipment and maintenance time from the aspect of the equipment building is known to be 100.0%. In the operational aspect, 100.0% PBF uses the FEFO distribution system. In self-inspection 100.0% PBF conducts self-inspection, in terms of POB handling drug complaints from the aspect of drug complaints, it is known that 79.0% have POB, 100.0% PBF is known to have transportation and couriers and 97.0% PBF has distribution facilities based on contract. In terms of cold chain products, it is known that 76.0% PBF distributes cold chain products, 100.0% PBF has POB for Narcotics, Psychotropic, and Pharmacy Precursor Handling. Overall, 91.6% of PBFs in Papua Province implement the GDDMguidelines. So it can be concluded that PBF in Papua Province meets the GDDMstandard.} }