@thesis{thesis, author={Ahmad Muzaki Bagus}, title ={AESTHETIC MEANING OF QS: AN-NUR, 24:35 (Thematic Analysis of Ibn Kathir's Interpretation in his Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al 'Adhim)}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/1047/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Name : Bagus Ahmad Muzaki Nim : 202004100001 thesis with the title ?ESTETIC MEANING of QS: AN-NUR, 24:35 (Thematic Analysis of Ibn Kathir's Interpretation in the Book of Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al 'Adhim), the department of Al- Qur'an Science and Tafsir Darul 'Ulum University (UNDAR) Jombang. Keywords: Estetic, Nur, Tafsir thematic A Given the many meanings of nur that need to be understood in the Qur'an. That way the exploration of the aesthetic values that exist in the term nur in QS. An-Nur verse 35, is important. Because by knowing the nature of Allah's light which is described by parables in QS. An-Nur verse 35 can be extracted aesthetic values which are then used as knowledge related to the various meanings of the word nur mentioned in the Qur'an. This research uses thematic interpretation method. Thematic interpretation is a method that directs the view to a particular theme, then looks for the view of the Qur'an on that theme by collecting all the verses that talk about it, analyzing and understanding verse by verse. The type of research used is library research with a qualitative approach. The purpose of this research is to explain the aesthetic meaning of the interpretation of surah An-Nur verse 35 according to Ibn Kathir in his tafsir Al-Qur'an al-'Adhim and to know the verses related to Nur. Based on the results of this study, what is meant in the discussion in surah Al-Nur verse 35 this time is an aesthetic Nur (light) mentioned in the verse. In Islamic teachings, Allah also uses light as a meaning of illumination, a meaning that is far from negative connotations. Allah even uses light to describe His Great Essence, making it one of the names of the Qur'anic Surah, An-Nur. He mentions one verse in particular, Surah An-Nur 35, about Himself as the All-Light. In the Qur'an, light can have both spiritual and physical meanings as Ibn Kathir interprets the verse. In the spiritual sense, light is understood as religion, guidance, faith and the holy book (al-Qur'an). While in the physical sense of light in the Qur'an is interpreted as light in the view of physics and science.} }