@thesis{thesis, author={Hamis Sepa Hamis}, title ={ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECT OF PARKING ON THE ROAD BODY AND ITS EFFECT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF ROADSECTIONSON JALAN AHMAD YANI, JOMBANG REGENCY}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/1111/}, abstract={Congestion is a problem that often occurs in developing countries such as Indonesia. Jalan Ahmad Yani, Jombang Regency is a road where there is a community shopping center, where activities around shopping places, especially parking on the road, occur a lot on this road. This can interfere with the performance of the Jalan Ahmad Yani section so that there is often congestion. This study aims to determine the effect of parking on the road body on the performance of Jalan Ahmad Yani. The data processing method is based on the Indonesia Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI). Data collection was carried out by direct survey in the field. The data collected is road geometry data, traffic volume, capacity, degree of saturation, and average speed of vehicles. The existence of parking on the road body causes a decrease in the capacity of Ahmad Yani's road so that there is a decrease in the level of road service and ineffective traffic flow during peak hours or community activity hours. Suervey is carried out for 3 days, namely on Monday or busy days, Tuesday or weekdays, and Sunday for holidays, with the selection of time or peak hours is. Morning time 06.00 ? 08.00, afternoon time 12.00 ? 14.00, and afternoon time 16.30 ? 17.30. The survey was conducted with a period of 2 hours with a survey duration of 15 minutes. From the survey data obtained during field monitoring and data processing was carried out to obtain results or values from traffic volume, capacity and degree of saturation of Dj, and vehicle speed, it was found that the average traffic volume for passenger cars (MP) = 659.67, medium vehicles (KS) = 158.17, and motorcycles (SM) = 622.80. for the capacity value is found at 1780.92 with the value of Degree of Saturation = 0.64 and masi is said to be low because the Dj value is less than 0.85. Meanwhile, the average speed value of the vehicle was found at 67.00 with a travel speed (VT) = 58 km/h, and travel time or (WT) = 0.52.} }