@thesis{thesis, author={MU'ARIP MU'ARIP}, title ={EFFECT OF REFLECTION THERAPY AND DIET ON THE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF CHILDREN WITH ADHD IN PRIMARY SCHOOL NURUL ISLAM SUMENGKO VILLAGE JATIREJO DISTRICT, MOJOKERTO}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/1113/}, abstract={EFFECT OF REFLECTION THERAPY AND DIET ON THE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR OF CHILDREN WITH ADHD IN PRIMARY SCHOOL NURUL ISLAM SUMENGKO VILLAGE JATIREJO DISTRICT, MOJOKERTO MU?ARIP 21010030 ABSTRACT The background of this research is a) The increase in ABK students identified as ADHD in the community around Jatirejo and its surroundings, who attend kindergarten and SD Nurul Islam b) Parents who still find it difficult to find a school place for their child who has been identified as ADHD, because not all regular schools can accept them c) There are still many parents who make mistakes in providing intake and managing eating patterns for children who have ADHD d) The previous therapy location was a long distance away and had not been integrated with the school program and the results were not optimal. This research is quantitative in nature where the data produced is in the form of numbers. From the data obtained, analysis was carried out using SPSS 26.00 software. This study aims to analyze the influence of reflexology therapeutic touch and adjusting eating patterns on the behavior of children with ADHD. With this objective in mind, data was collected using a questionnaire from 35 respondents, namely student parents. The distribution of questionnaires was carried out in a closed manner using a Likert scale of 1-5. This study used 3 independent variables consisting of the influence of Reflex Therapy with 17 question items and Managing Eating Patterns with 18 question items. As well as the dependent variable, namely ADHD Child Behavior, ADHD Child Behavior with 15 question itemsa. The Constant Value (a) has a positive value of 34.825. The positive sign indicates a unidirectional influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable. This means that a constant value of 34,825 shows a unidirectional influence between the variables Reflective Touch Therapy (X1) and Managing Eating Patterns (X2) on Children''s Behavioral Development (Y). b. The coefficient value for variable X1 has a positive value of 0.940. This shows that if X1 increases by 1, then Y will increase by 0.940 assuming the independent variable is positive, meaning it shows a unidirectional influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable. So Reflection Therapy has a unidirectional effect on the Child''s Behavioral Development. c. The regression coefficient value for variable X2 has a negative value of 0.645. This shows that if X2 increases by 1, Y will decrease by 0.645. So the assumption of a negative independent variable shows the opposite influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable. This means that diet has a negative effect on the behavioral development of children with ADHDFor researchers, it is hoped that this research can provide input and material for consideration For academics and readers to expand research by considering other variables is good. Keywords: Reflexology Therapy, Eating Patterns, Social Behavior Of ADHD} }