@thesis{thesis, author={Ferdy Ristian Nugraha Ferdy}, title ={ANALISIS PENINGKATAN KEANDALAN PENYULANG PADA PT PLN (PERSERO) ULP DOLOPO UP3 MADIUN}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/1115/}, abstract={ANALISIS PENINGKATAN KEANDALAN PENYULANG PADA PT PLN (PERSERO) ULP DOLOPO UP3 MADIUN Ferdy Ristian Nugraha NIM232320201008 ABSTRACT Distribution of the power system is part of the electric power system that distributes electricity from the substation to the customer. To reach customers, the distribution of electric power at PT PLN (Persero) ULP Dolopo is supplied from 2 (two) substations and 7 (seven) feeders which generally use medium voltage overhead lines with dominant conductors not insulated so that in 2021 there will be disruption as many as 106 times with the cause of trees touching the network, animal touching between the conductor and the construction and the disturbance which no cause was found. Of the 7 (seven) feeders there were 3 (three) feeders namely Ngebel feeders, Mlilir feeders and Dagangan feeders with a fairly high level of disturbance. To determine the reliability level of the feeder, an analysis of the number of interruptions will be carried out, and using reliability indices, namely the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI), System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI), Energy Not Sales (ENS), and Average Energy Not Sales. (AENS). In order to improve reliability, inspection and maintenance is carried out using Overall Maintenance Effectiveness (OME) and Proactive Maintenance Effectiveness (PME) so that by 2022 there will be 59 failures. By decreasing the number of system failures, it is directly proportional to increasing the system reliability value at PT PLN (Persero) ULP Dolopo for the better. Ngebel feeder from 0.46 hours/customer/year to 0.10 hours/customer/year, Dagangan feeder from 0.28 to 0.6 hours/customer/year, Mlilir feeder from 0.15 to 0.04 hours/customer /year. for the SAIFI value between 2021 and 2022 it will remain the same, namely Ngebel 0.85, Dagangan 0.84 and Mlilir 0.72 times/customer/year. While the Ngebel feeder ENS is 1944589.20 kWh/year in 2021 to 180283.30 kWh/year in 2022, Dagangan feeder is from 674077.20 kWh/year in 2021 to 105876 in 2022, while Mlilir feeder is 407622.6 in 2021 to 96347 in 2022. and AENS Ngebel feeder from 172.26 kWh/customer/year in 2021 to 15.4 kWh/customer/year in 2022, Dagangan feeder from 40.9 kWh/customer/year in 2021 will be 6.19 kWh/customer/year in 2022, while the feeder will be from 20.3 kWh/customer/year in 2021 to 4.62 kWh/customer/year in 2022. Thus this maintenance method has been proven to reduce the number of disturbances which has the effect of improving the reliability index} }