@thesis{thesis, author={Zanuar Faudino}, title ={ANALYSIS OF SERVICE RELIABILITY INDEX OF 20 KV ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM BASED ON SAIDI AND SAIFI METHODS AT PT. PLN (PERSERO) ULP BESUKI}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/1127/}, abstract={This study aims to analyze the reliability of the 20 kV electricity distribution system at PT. PLN (Persero) ULP Besuki using the SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) and SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) methods. The reliability of the electricity distribution system is a crucial aspect to ensure the continuity and quality of electricity service to customers. SAIDI measures the average duration of interruptions per customer over a specified period, while SAIFI measures the average frequency of interruptions per customer over the same period. The study is based on data from 2021 to 2023, covering the number of customers, the number of interruptions, the duration of interruptions, and the number of customers affected by interruptions in the distribution system of PT. PLN ULP Besuki. The results show a significant improvement in the reliability of the system. SAIDI values decreased from 0.6913 hours per customer in 2021 to 0.6388 hours per customer in 2023, which is far below the SPLN 68-2: 1986 standard of 21.09 hours per customer per year and also lower than the IEEE std P1366-2003 standard of 2.3 hours per customer per year. This indicates that the duration of interruptions has been significantly reduced, with the ULP Besuki distribution system demonstrating excellent reliability, even exceeding international standards. Similarly, SAIFI values decreased from 0.6082 interruptions per customer in 2021 to 0.4356 interruptions per customer in 2023, remaining well below the SPLN standard of 3.2 interruptions and the IEEE standard of 1.45 interruptions per customer per year. Although there was a slight increase in 2023 compared to 2022, the overall frequency of interruptions remained low, reflecting consistent improvements in system reliability. These findings suggest that regular maintenance and prompt responses to interruptions have contributed to the improved reliability of the electricity distribution system at PT. PLN ULP Besuki. The study is expected to aid in the development of further maintenance strategies and serve as a reference for enhancing the reliability of electricity distribution systems. Keywords: SAIDI, SAIFI, Reliability, Electricity Distribution System} }