@thesis{thesis, author={Suwarno Suwarno}, title ={LOCAL BOSSISME DALAM PENGELOLAAN DANA CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR): STUDI KASUS DI DESA DIWEK, DIWEK, JOMBANG}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/1204/}, abstract={LOCAL BOSSISME DALAM PENGELOLAAN DANA CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR): STUDI KASUS DI DESA DIWEK, DIWEK, JOMBANG Suwarno/212365201028 Managing CSR funds is a social responsibility that must be carried out by companies towards the environment directly and indirectly affected by the company's operations in the area, namely Diwek village, Diwek sub-district, Jombang district. This research uses the Local Strongman theory (Joel Migdal, 2005) and Jhon Thrayer Sidel (1999). This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out using interviews, observations and documents, while determining informants was carried out using purposive techniques. Meanwhile, data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman model. The research results found: (1) The role of local bossism in managing CSR funds in Diwek village 'hiddenly' influences companies to provide social responsibility in the form of compensation for village development. (2) The form of local bossism in managing CSR funds in Diwek village has been affiliated since individual 'K' was village head for 2 periods and continued when he became a council member, so that the structural power relationship between the company and the individual, thus fostering a relationship that tends to nepotism. (3) The impact of limited CSR fund management between the company and 'K' individuals is not beneficial for village development and community members, because no village development comes from PT CSR funds. The SGS and nominal amount given to the community is very minimal at 50 thousand for the affected communities. However, the impacts resulting from the operation of the factory are very large, especially the environmental and health impacts. Keywords: Local Bossism; Local Strongman; Corporate Social Responsibility} }