@thesis{thesis, author={Ifan Pradana Putra Ifan}, title ={ANALISA KEBUTUHAN AIR BERSIH DAN JARINGAN DISTRIBUSI PIPA AIR BERSIH DENGAN SOFTWARE E-PANET DI DESA GONGSENG KECAMATAN MEGALUH KABUPATEN JOMBANG}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/121/}, abstract={The study is based on a promising water potential for both domestic and business sustainability, as the geographical condition of gongsheng village is a challenge in distributing water to communities and therefore is expected that all residents of gongseng village will be able to access the water at home. Therefore, water efficiency and increased efficiency are required by means of a program to provide drinking water in terms of quantity, quality, availability and sustainability. Doing the plan in advance, what had to be done was to calculate the prospects of the total population in 2023-2032 to define the population by arithmetic method, resulting from arithmetic by 2032, 6,469 lives. From calculations and analysis to meet the needs of all villagers from gongseng village beat beat district to 2023-2032 is 517,520 l/day. For the capacity of reservois can be calculated using the following mathematical formula: an average q (liter/ day) : the dimensions of reservois existing, and thus, obtained from the volume of reservoirs of 2032 was 22.32 m3, whereas volumer reservoir of existing is 24.75 m3. With increasing population and expanding social economic, educational facilities. Expected fresh water demand until the period was planned as expected and} }