@thesis{thesis, author={Fandy Ahmad Banuara Fandy}, title ={ANALYSIS OF SUBSIDY HOUSING INVESTMENT IN KARANGDAGANGAN VILLAGE, BANDARKEDUNGMULYO DISTRICT, JOMBANG DISTRICT}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/1596/}, abstract={Subsidized housing in Karangdagangan Village, Bandarkedungmulyo District, Jombang Regency is housing that is intended for low-income people and does not yet own a house, it has been regulated in Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 64 of 2016 concerning Housing Development for Low Income Community (MBR). The technical guidelines for planning refer to the Regulation of the State Minister for Public Housing of the Republic of Indonesia No. 25 of 2011. The calculation of the estimated investment costs and financial feasibility analysis uses the Net Presnt Value, Benefit Cost Ratio and Internal Rate of Return methods. The feasibility study on subsidized housing is seen from the aspect of needs, technical aspects consisting of building height, basic building coefficient, building floor coefficient, location accessibility and social environmental aspects. The results of this subsidized housing plan have a site plan concept with a total of 242 units of houses, which are equipped with garden facilities and sports venues, guard posts, polling stations, people's markets, mosques, roads and drainage channels. The estimated initial investment cost is Rp. 26,560,835,000. From the financial feasibility analysis, it was obtained that the Net Present Value was Rp. 3,900,485,609,41 > 0, Benefit Cost Ratio of 1,188 > 1, Internal Rate of Return > MARR. The results of the feasibility study analysis seen from the aspect of needs, technical aspects and aspects of the social environment are said to be feasible because they are in accordance with applicable regulations. Keywords: Investment, Subsidized Housing, Feasibility Study} }