@thesis{thesis, author={AFRIANTO FANDI}, title ={ANALYSIS OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY FACTORS (K3) ON THE KENDANG DUKUH PASURUAN BRIDGE PROJECT}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/1856/}, abstract={In the construction of the Kendang Dukuh Bridge project, Pasuruan is a construction project that has a high risk of work accidents, so it is necessary to identify the types of work accidents and the factors that cause work accidents that occur as well as health and safety aspects. work that is applied to reduce the risk of work accidents on the Kendang Dukuh Bridge construction project in Pasuruan. The work accident risk analysis begins with a preliminary survey and the main survey in the form of distributing questionnaires to respondents to determine the value of serevity (severity) and probability (possibility) for each variable so that the highest risk is known. Results There are 14 types of work accidents with low and high categories, 1 of which is the highest, namely being scratched/cut (protruding iron tip) on iron work. Analysis using the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method in this study can determine the factors causing these risks. Then further know the aspects of occupational health and safety that are applied to handle and prevent work accidents on the project. Keywords: Occupational Safety Factors (K3) Bridge Project} }