@thesis{thesis, author={Erik Wicaksono Angger}, title ={ANALYSIS OF WASTE PRODUCTIVITY AND FINAL PROCESSING IN TPA VILLAGE BANJARDOWO KEC. JOMBANG KAB. JOMBANG}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/1946/}, abstract={Angger Erik Wicaksono, 2021. Analysis of Waste Productivity and Final Processing at the TPA Banjardowo Village, Jombang District, Jombang Regency. Final Project of Undergraduate Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Darul'Ulum University Jombang, Supervisor 1, Ir.Hj. Asnun Parwanti, MT., Advisor II, Iwan Cahyono, ST.MT. Garbage is a national problem related to population growth. Waste management includes reducing waste from the source and handling waste at the TPA. Waste management if not handled properly will be a problem for public health and the environment so it is necessary to know the waste management system at the Banjardowo TPA. From the results of this study, supervisors at the TPA and supervisors of waste transport vehicles were selected by purposive sampling. The data were analyzed descriptively and presented in the form of a frequency distribution table accompanied by a narration. The results of the study refer to Permen PU 03/PRT/M/2013, namely the landfill control system used in the TPA is not appropriate. The results of the observation of the waste management system in the TPA do not meet the requirements. The waste served at the TPA in 2021 is 41,263.23 tons with an average volume of 113.05 tons of waste per day while the productivity of the waste generated by the people of Jombang Regency is 318,362.72 tons with an average volume of waste per day of 872.23 tons. so the waste that is not served by the Banjardowo TPA is 759.18 tons per day while for the needs of waste transport vehicles in 2020, which is 19 units, from the results of calculations in 2021 the number of waste transporting fleets must be added by 3 units so the total number of vehicles is 22 units of transport trucks. rubbish, Keywords : Garbage, Processing, TPA Banjardowo, Damptruk, Landfill} }