@thesis{thesis, author={Zainul Khusen}, title ={PERBANDINGAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN RECIPROCAL TEACHING DENGAN BAMBOO DANCING BERBASIS COOPERATIVE LEARNING DI KELAS IV MI MIFTACHUL ILMI KESAMBEN JOMBANG}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/2321/}, abstract={ABSTRAC Khusen, Zainul, 2022. Comparison of Reciprocal Teaching Learning Model with Bamboo Dancing Based Cooperative Learning at MI Miftachul Ilmi Kesamben Jombang. Thesis, Study Program of Islamic Religious Education, Faculty of Islamic Religion, University of Darul 'Ulum Jombang. Advisor I Dr. Mishbahus Shudur, M.A. and advisor II Fathur Rofi'i, S.Ag., M.Pd.I. This study aims to determine the comparison between the learning model of Reciprocal Teaching and Bamboo Dancing. This study discusses (1) How student learning outcomes through cooperative learning model Reciprocal Teaching in class IVMI Miftachul Ilmi Kedung Melati, (2) How student learning outcomes through cooperative learning model Bamboo Dancing in class IV MI Miftachul Ilmi Kedung Melati. (3) Is there a difference in student learning outcomes using the cooperative learning model of Reciprocal Teaching with Bamboo Dancing in class IV MI Miftachul Ilmi Kedung Melati students. Miftachul Ilmi Kedung Melati, (2) knowing student learning outcomes through the Bamboo Dancing cooperative learning model for fourth grade students of MI Miftachul Ilmi Kedung Melati, (3) knowing the differences in student learning outcomes using the Reciprocal Teaching cooperative learning model with Bamboo Dancing for fourth grade MI students Miftachul Ilmi Kedung Melati. This type of research is field research. The population in this study were all fourth grade students of MI Miftachul Ilmi Kedung Melati. The data collection technique was carried out by using a learning outcome test instrument in the form of multiple choices of 10 multiple choices and with the material of the Thoyibah sentence. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics. The results obtained in the two groups through descriptive statistical analysis. Akida Ahlak's learning outcomes using the Reciprocal Teaching learning model are = 60.00 while the average learning outcomes of Akida Ahlak's groups using the Bamboo Dancing learning model are = 80.5. The results of inferential data analysis showed that the significance value was obtained tcount 24,465 > t table 2,09302, and the sig value. (2-tailed) is 0.000 < 0.05, so H0 can be rejected and H1 is accepted. Thus, it can be suggested that there are differences in student learning outcomes using the Rechiprocal Teaching cooperative learning model and the Bamboo Dancing cooperative learning model in class IV MI Miftachul Ilmi Kedung Melati. Keywords: Comparative Study, Reciprocal Teaching Learning Model, with Bamboo Dancing.} }