@thesis{thesis, author={Saiful Mustaqim}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI KEGIATAN KEAGAMAAN ISTIGHOTSAH DAN TAHLIL DALAM PEMBENTUKAN NILAI-NILAI SPIRITUAL DI MTS UNGGULAN ISMUL HAQ KOWANG JATIREJO MOJOKERTO}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/2329/}, abstract={ABSTRACTION Saiful Mustaqim: Implementation of Istighotsah and Tahlil Religious Activities at Mts Unggulan Ismul Haq Kowang Jatirejo Mojokerto. Study Program of Islamic Education, Faculty of Islamic Religion, University of Darul 'Ulum Jombang, 2022. Advisor 1: H. Eko Hadi Wardoyo, M.Pd.I. Advisor 2: Mishbahush Shudur, M.A. The formation of spiritual values is indeed considered to have an important role. Based on the results of initial interviews conducted by prospective researchers at MTS Unggulan Ismul Haq Kowang Jatirejo on July 24, 2022 with Islamic Religious Education teachers, that so far, the formation of spiritual intelligence in the Mts Unggulan Ismul Haq Kowang Jatirejo Mojokerto school environment still needs to be improved. This is because there are still students who lack discipline, skip school, violate school rules, lack ethics with teachers and friends, and their understanding of Islam is still lacking. This research uses a qualitative descriptive type, a qualitative descriptive type is research that is directed to provide symptoms, facts or events systematically and accurately, regarding the characteristics of a particular population or area. In descriptive research, there is no need to find or explain the interrelationships and test hypotheses. Based on the research that has been done by researchers, the results obtained are: The formation of spiritual values through Istighotsah and Tahlil religious activities at Mts Unggulan Ismul Haq Kowang Jatirejo has been carried out well with religious extracurricular activities that always instill and advise students to stay away from negative things, but spiritual values and habits that are Islamic values possessed by students still really need to be improved again. The implementation of religious activities is carried out regularly once a week. Efforts are made in the formation of students' spiritual intelligence by way of spiritual enlightenment (spiritual showers), exemplary, and habituation. Supporting and inhibiting factors for religious extracurricular activities include: Supporting factors for religious extracurricular activities, namely full support from parents, enthusiasm of students in participating in religious extracurricular activities and strong motivation from themselves. The inhibiting factors for religious extracurricular activities are parental concerns without a permit, the influence of playmates, the lack of supervision from the school. Keywords: Implementation, Istighotsah, Tahlil, Spiritual Values} }