@thesis{thesis, author={Ali Munir}, title ={UPAYA GURU BIMBINGAN KONSELING DAN GURU AGAMA DALAM MENANGGULANGI KENAKALAN SISWA DI MADRASAH ALIYAH UNGGULAN DARUL ULUM REJOSO PETERONGAN JOMBANG}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/2355/}, abstract={ABSTRAK Moch Ali Munir: The Efforts of Counseling Guidance Teachers and Religious Teachers in Overcoming Student Delinquency at the Superior MA Rejoso Peterongan Jombang for the 2022/2023 Academic Year, Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Darul Ulum University, Jombang. 2022. This study aims to determine the forms of student delinquency, the causes of delinquency committed by students, and a description of the efforts made by religious teachers at MA Uggulan Rejoso Peterongan Jombang. This research method is included in the category of qualitative research that uses a case study approach, while in data collection it is necessary to use observation, interview and documentation methods. And in analyzing the data collected, the writer uses qualitative descriptive analysis. The results of the study briefly show that the forms of delinquency of students at the Superior School of Rejoso Peterongan Jombang are classified as minor delinquencies that do not violate the law. And the things that cause student delinquency are due to the influence of the family environment, school environment, community environment. Meanwhile, the efforts made by religious teachers use preventive, repressive, curative and rehabilitation efforts. Keywords: Counseling Guidance Teachers, Religious Teachers, Coping. Student Delinquency.} }