@thesis{thesis, author={Okta Alief Tiyasasri Dika}, title ={IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER BERBASIS MULTIKULTURAL DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KEPRIBADIAN SOSIAL SISWA DI MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI 4 JOMBANG}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/2397/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Dika Okta Alief Tiyasari, The problem of education in Indonesia is very complex because in all its aspects there are problems that need to be fixed. Moral decadence has become rampant in the world of education so that it has become a blurry portrait in our world of education. Madrasah Aliyah MAN 4 Jombang that in the environment of the denanyar Islamic Boarding school Denanyar Jombang is one of the educational institutions that pay great attention to dealing with or tackling the moral decadence of its students. This research uses a qualitative approach when this approach tends to lead to descriptive research methods. Data collection was carried out by interviewing several school to find out how the implementation and also what character values are implemented in the learning process to form a personality at MAN 4 Jombang. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of multicultural based character education in the formation of the personality of students at MAN 4 Jombang is very good because of the students? concern for the importance of building multicultural-based characters in their schools and also character values that are implemented in the learning process for a personality of students at MAN 4 Jombang. There are seven religious, namely: honest, tolerant, disciplined, hard work, creative, and the last is independent. Thus the character values of students in participating in social activities carried out at MA Negeri 4 Jombang are very good because what is needed in the community is more or less learned in MA Negeri 4 Jombang as evidenced by the ability of capable students to mingle with the community. Keywords : Education, Character, Multicultural education.} }