@thesis{thesis, author={Suryaningsih Ilya}, title ={EFEKTIFITAS KEBIJAKAN PEMBERIAN BLT-DD PADA MASYARAKAT MISKIN DI KECAMATAN BANDARKEDUNGMULYO KABUPATEN JOMBANG}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/2561/}, abstract={ABSTRACT In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic became a worldwide problem. There are even governments in the world who are overwhelmed but continue to try to contain the spread of this virus, as well as overcome its various effects. One of the impacts caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is the economic factor. Indonesia is no exception, as a result of this pandemic the community's economy has declined. And to overcome this, one of the efforts made by the Indonesian government is to refocus the budget from various existing budget posts. And one of the budget posts that was also refocused was the Village Fund. Village funds, which were actually intended for village development and development, were transferred to cash assistance funds called the Village Fund Direct Assistance (BLT Dana Desa). In the implementation of this program in terms of effectiveness, there are still many questions. Therefore, this research was conducted to see the effectiveness of the Village Fund Direct Cash Assistance program. This research was conducted in the District Bandarkedungmulyo Jombang. The research findings show that the effectiveness of this program, especially for the poor, is very beneficial for them, and most of the community supports the program carried out by the central government. Keywords: Village Fund BLT Program} }