@thesis{thesis, author={Riza Silvia Lailatul}, title ={HUBUNGAN KECERDASAN EMOSI DENGAN PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING PADA REMAJA DI PANTI ASUHAN}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/2600/}, abstract={This study tested the hypothesis to find out there is a relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well-Being. This study uses two scales, namely the Emotional Intelligence scale and the Psychological Well-Being scale. The population of this research is teenagers who live in the orphanage. The sample in this study were 50 teenagers aged 12-18 years, namely teenagers at the Ad-Durunnafis Orphanage, amounting to 33 teenagers and the Al-Hasan Orphanage, totaling 17 teenagers using the Purposive Random Sampling technique. Hypothesis test using Rho Spearman correlation test. The results of the analysis showed Rho = 0.698 with p = 0.000 (p <0.05). This shows that there is a significant positive relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Psychological Well-Being. This means that the higher the Emotional Intelligence, the higher the Psychological Well-Being, on the contrary, the lower the Emotional Intelligence, the lower the Psychological Well-Being} }