@thesis{thesis, author={Mohamad Pujiono}, title ={THE ANALYSIS OF GOOD GOVERNANCE ON THE MID-TERM DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT OF KARANGMOJO VILLAGE, PLANDAAN DISTRICT, JOMBANG REGENCY 2020-2025}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/2626/}, abstract={?BSTRACT Good govern?nce v?ll?ge development progr?m st?rts from the prep?r?t?on of the v?ll?ge m?d-term development pl?n. V?ll?ges ?re cons?dered to h?ve never been ?ble to ?mplement Permend?gr? No. 114 Th. 2014 on V?ll?ge Development Gu?del?nes. The v?ll?ge ?s cons?dered ?s ? mere form of form?l?ty. Th?s study ??ms to ?n?lyze the ?mplement?t?on of Permend?gr? No. 114 Th. 2014 No. 114 Th. 2014 ?n the V?ll?ge M?d- Term Development Pl?n Document of K?r?ngmojo V?ll?ge, Pl?nd?n D?str?ct, Jomb?ng Regency, wh?ch ?s b?sed on the pr?nc?ples of good govern?nce. Th?s rese?rch uses ? descr?pt?ve?qu?l?t?t?ve?non-?nter?ct?ve rese?rch des?gn. The d?t? ?s sourced from the V?ll?ge M?d-Term Development Pl?n document. V?ll?ge. Document d?t? ?s ?n?lyzed w?th the c?rd system ?nd put-out ?nd put-?n folders. The results of the ?n?lys?s show th?t ?ccount?b?l?ty, p?rt?c?p?t?on ?nd tr?nsp?rency ?s the m??n pr?nc?ples of good govern?nce h?ve been shown ?n the m?ter??l of the M?ddle Pl?n Development of the V?ll?ge of K?r?ngmojo on 2020 ? 2025 ?n the v?r?ous contexts. Th?s shows th?t Permend?gr? No. 114 Th. 2014 concern?ng the Gu?del?nes for V?ll?ge Development h?s been ?mplemented well ?n the prep?r?t?on of the Med?um-Term Development Pl?n of K?r?ngmojo V?ll?ge.} }