@thesis{thesis, author={Andriani Leni Wiji}, title ={Study of Beweh Sewer Inundation, Megaluh District, Jombang Regency}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/2753/}, abstract={STUDY ON FLOODING OF BEWEH SEWER CHANNEL, MEGALUH DISTRICT, JOMBANG REGENCY LENI WIJI ANDRIANI NIM: 182322201005 ABSTRACT Flood is a natural disaster that can be caused, one of which is due to an increase in the flow of a river, where a large flood occurred in the Beweh Disposal Channel caused by very high rainfall and the condition of the channel cross section is still not smooth.To overcome this problem, as a solution and the purpose of writing this thesis, it is necessary to have a flood inundation study. The flood caused residents to suffer losses.From the results of the research that the existing condition of the beweh drain can accommodate a flood discharge of 37.50 m/second and a planned flood discharge of 49.060 m³/second. From these data, it can be seen that the beweh drainage channel cannot accommodate the flood discharge. Therefore, to overcome the flood inundation, it is necessary to normalize the length of 4,200 meters with a sediment volume that must be excavated of 19,257 m³. Keywords: Normalization, river, floodcontrol.} }