@thesis{thesis, author={BRILIYANTO DEDI RIZALDI}, title ={HEGEMONI AMERIKA SERIKAT TERHADAP THE ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ AND SYRIA ( ISIS ) DI IRAK}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/2812/}, abstract={UNITED STATES HEGEMONY TOWARDS THE ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ AND SYRIA (ISIS) IN IRAQ By: DEDI RIZALDI BRILIYANTO NIM : 182364201003 ABSTRACT The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a terrorist group that continues to grow and has succeeded in expanding its territory. Starting from most of Iraq's territory that was successfully occupied by ISIS, which affected the interests of the United States (US) in the Middle East region, especially in Iraq and also had an impact on the stability of Iraq itself. ISIS emerged after the US invasion in 2003 with the aim of establishing an Islamic state in the region, so that this gave a response from the international world and especially the US itself. The purpose of this study is first to find out the US involvement in combating ISIS terrorism crimes in Iraq, secondly how the influence of US hegemony on ISIS is manifested in US foreign policy in fighting ISIS in Iraq. The research method used is a qualitative method with a literature study. The research results obtained are first, the US strategy in overcoming ISIS with a strategy through political, humanitarian, cooperation, and the use of military instruments, these strategies aim to maintain US hegemony in Iraq. Second, while the influence of US hegemony on ISIS in Iraq through foreign policy that was implemented, starting in the Barack Obama era, it was carried out by prioritizing diplomatic channels (soft diplomacy), although they also continued to use the military (hard diplomacy) in the fight against ISIS, in the era of President Donald Trump. Trump's policy in fighting ISIS is considered too offensive so that it makes the US image bad, while in the era of President Joe Biden his foreign policy steps shifted to another focus, namely providing assistance and continuing to cooperate in various fields with Iraq as well as cooperation in the security sector to prevent ISIS from spreading. enter a new phase. From looking at some of the US foreign policies as a form of maintaining the influence of hegemony, by looking at the concept of hegemony put forward by Antonio Gramsci, it can be concluded that the influence of the hegemony of the United States is still included in total hegemony (integral hegemony). Keywords: Hegemony, Foreign Policy, United States of America, The Islamic State Of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)} }