@thesis{thesis, author={Kusumo Pulung Tejo}, title ={PENGARUH GERAKAN SEDEKAH SAMPAH DAN KARAKTER CINTA LINGKUNGAN TERHADAP TERBENTUKNYA SIKAP GEMAR BERSEDEKAH DI MTs AL HIKAM JATIREJO DIWEK JOMBANG}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/474/}, abstract={The purpose of national education is to educate the nation's life and develop Indonesian human beings as a whole. The main problem being faced is waste. Both from the type of organic waste and inorganic waste. Talking about waste cannot be separated from everyday life. In this case, MTs Al Hikam tries to take a role with a madrasah waste alms programme which aims to educate students to love and care for their environment, The form of this research is quantitative, quantitative research is research that emphasises its analysis on numerical data (numbers) processed by statistical methods. This study aims to determine the description of the waste alms movement, the character of environmental love, the attitude of fond of giving alms at MTs Al Hikam and to measure the effect of the waste alms movement and the character of environmental love together in the formation of an attitude fond of giving alms at MTs Al Hikam. Based on the descriptions and research results, the authors draw the following conclusions: 1. The waste alms movement at MTs Al Hikam has been running well. 2. The character of environmental love at MTs Al Hikam already exists in students. 3. The attitude of being fond of charity at MTs Al Hikam has been well formed. 4. The garbage alms movement affects the formation of an attitude fond of almsgiving at MTs Al Hikam Jatirejo Diwek Jombang. 5. The character of environmental love affects the formation of an attitude of fond of charity at MTs Al Hikam. 6. The waste alms movement and environmental love influence together in the formation of an attitude of fond of almsgiving at MTs Al Hikam.} }