@thesis{thesis, author={ERLANGGA HANS CANDRA}, title ={Analysis of the Economic Potential of Village-Owned Enterprises 'GGS Jaya Sumbertebu' in Sumbertebu Village, Bangsal District, Mojokerto Regency}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/586/}, abstract={The thesis entitled "Analysis of the Economic Potential of Village-Owned Enterprises 'GGS Jaya Sumbertebu' in Sumbertebu Village, Bangsal District, Mojokerto Regency" aims to evaluate the SWOT analysis in the development of the village-owned enterprise GGS Jaya Sumbertebu. The research method used is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. SWOT analysis is used as the basis for the research, with the aim of identifying strengths and opportunities that can be optimized, as well as weaknesses and threats that need to be minimized. The research results show that BUMDesa GGS Jaya Sumbertebu is in Category I for both internal and external factors (positive, positive), indicating strong and opportunistic development as well as aggressive strategic proposals. Recommendations given to the village government and BUMDesa management include improving supporting infrastructure, such as building places of worship, increasing lighting, and adding shaded areas in the GGS Pawon Mojopahit Educational Park, as well as expanding business units by conducting relevant feasibility analyses. Equally important is the support of the village government in capital participation through the Village Fund. Additionally, to keep up with developments in the digital era, the author suggests developing a website for BUMDesa, whether integrated with the village website or as a separate BUMDesa-specific website. Keywords : SWOT analisys, Village-Owned Enterprises, develepment strategy} }