@thesis{thesis, author={Kafani Safrul Mufarid}, title ={Implementasi Perjanjian Ektradisi Dalam Menanggulangi Kejahatan Korupsi Di Indonesia}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/607/}, abstract={An extradition agreement is a cooperation agreement carried out and agreed upon by another country or state to take action to prevent crimes that cross a country?s borders. This agreement is usually based on political cooperation between the two countries which is commited to implementing it in terms of preventing crime. Extradition according to Republic of Indonesia Law no. 1 of 1979 is the surrender by a country requesting surrender who is suspected or convicted of committing a crime outside the territory of the surrendering country and within the territorial jurisdiction of the country requesting the surrender because it has the authority to adjudicate the punishment. Extradition is carried out on the basis of a "treaty" between Indonesia and another country whose ratification is carried out by law. This research analyzes extradition which is used as a means of law enforcement in Indonesia because of the increasing number of perpetrators of criminal acts of coruption who flee abroad , which is a threat in itself considering the worrying impact of coruption and can lead to more systematic econimic crimes. And the focus off this reserch is to question the role of etradition agreements in tackling corution crimes in Indonesia. As well as what are the inhibiting factors in implementing the ektradition agreement in overcoming coruption crimes in Indonesia ,whith the ektradition agreement it well be able to overcome coruption crimes that have flad to other countries. Ektradition agreement to looke into corruption crimes that may have an impect on prosperity and ecomic growth in Indonesia. The method used in this research is normative legal research , while the data sourcos used are secondary data sources , namely data obtained from literature studyes by studying to legal materials , namely : primary legal materials , in the form of in the form of the laws and regulations of the republic of Indonesia , treaties. International , International conventions and show on , secondary legal materials , namely books relating to ektradition , criminal acts of coruption , both printed and electronic , magazines , from news papers and the internet witch are very relevant to this research . All legal materials obtained will be classified in to sytematized data , than the systematized data whill be used as the basis for drawing concluesions.} }