@thesis{thesis, author={PIMUNINGSIH PIMUNINGSIH}, title ={ANALYSIS OF STRATEGIES FOR ACCELERATION OF STUNTING REDUCTION IN JOMBANG DISTRICT}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/648/}, abstract={Stunting is a world problem because its impact results in a condition of low intellectual capacity in children which can reduce the competitiveness and quality of Indonesia's human resources (HR) in the future. Stunting also has a negative impact on the economy of our country, namely Indonesia. According to data from the Basic Health Survey of the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Riskesdes) in 2022, the stunting prevalence rate was recorded at 5.33 million (21.6%) children under the age of five (toddlers) experiencing stunting. This figure is still far from the target figure set by the World Health Organization (WHO), the stunting rate should be below 20%. Obstacles were found in the implementation of achieving the stunting reduction target, among others, due to the lack of a comprehensive strategy to be implemented. In implementing the intervention program to support stunting prevention, starting from improving nutrition, namely with specific nutritional interventions and sensitive nutritional interventions with priority targets, namely Young Women, Prospective Brides (catin), Mothers. Pregnant, Breastfeeding Mothers and Children aged 0-59 months. This research aims to analyze the design of strategies to accelerate stunting reduction in Jombang district, research locations in Tembelang District (Pulogedang Village), Ploso District (Rejo Agung Village), Jombang District (Deanyar Village), Jombang Regency. The research location is a place to research strategies for reducing stunting in stunting locus villages with high stunting rates, low stunting rates. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection techniques by means of interviews. The research results show an intervention program with a priority target of improving parenting patterns for children under five years (toddlers) or under two years (under five years) through an intervention program to improve nutritional status as an effort to prevent stunting during the First 1,000 Days of Life (HPK). In order to ensure sustainability and maximum achievement in reducing stunting, strong commitment is needed from various parties, including local governments, academics, media, non-governmental organizations and development partners. Keywords: Rural Strategy, Accelerated Stunting Specific Interventions, Sensitive Intervention} }