@thesis{thesis, author={Trisnayang Herdiyani Chandramaya}, title ={THE EFFECT OF INFLATION, DIVIDEND POLICY AND TOTAL ASSET TURNOVER ON INVESTMENT DECISIONS IN FOOD AND BEVERAGE SUB-SECTOR COMPANIES ON THE SURABAYA STOCK EXCHANGE, INDONESIA}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/683/}, abstract={This study aims to examine the effect of inflation, dividend policy, and total asset turnover on investment decisions in food and beverage sub-sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The research period used is 4 years, namely 2020 - 2023. This research was conducted using secondary data. The sample technique used was purposive sampling. Of the 95 Food and Beverage Sub-Sector companies, only 12 companies were taken, because they have complete financial reports. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. By using regression analysis, it can be seen that Inflation has no significant effect on Investment Decisions, Dividend Policy has a positive and significant effect on Investment Decisions, and Total Asset Turnover has no significant effect on Investment Decisions. From the research conducted, it is concluded that Investment Decision is influenced by Dividend Policy. Other factors such as Inflation and Total Asset Turnover have no effect on Investment Decisions.} }