@thesis{thesis, author={Wardhana Muhammad Fikri}, title ={Penanggulangan Kejahatan Cyber dari Sudut Pandang Hukum di Indonesia}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/714/}, abstract={The purpose of writing this thesis is to find out what efforts the government must make to overcome the problem of cyber crime which often occurs in Indonesia. The type of research used by the author in this legal writing is normative legal research. The type of data used is secondary data with the data collection technique used is literature study, namely in the form of collecting secondary data that is related to the problem being studied. After all the data was collected, it was then analyzed using qualitative data analysis methods. Cyber crime is a type of crime committed by a person or group who understands and has special skills in the field of technology and computers. Cyber crime is a type of crime that arises from increasingly advanced technological developments and cannot be stopped. In Indonesia, there are several cyber crimes that often occur, namely hacking, online gambling, cyberbullying, the spread of immoral content on the internet, scams, the spread of hoax news, malware development. In practice, cyber crime is a crime that can still be said to be difficult to handle because the perpetrators carry out their actions in cyberspace, but the impact of their actions can be felt in the real world by their victims. The role of the Indonesian government in overcoming cyber crime in Indonesia is very necessary in enforcing the law against cyber crime which often occurs in Indonesia because cyber crime in Indonesia is a new threat to the sustainability of a country in the future and if it is not handled seriously it will be dangerous. security of the Indonesian people and state} }