@thesis{thesis, author={Khadaffi Eka Meyndra}, title ={GEOMETRIC EVALUATION OF PERAK - JOMBANG HIGHWAY WITH BINA MARGA METHOD}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/744/}, abstract={Highway Perak - Jombang is a primary arterial road with a type of 4 lanes 2 undivided directions with a width of 11m. At the bend of the road there are frequent traffic accidents so it is necessary to re-evaluate the existing conditions. The highest average daily traffic volume occurs at 16.00-17.00 WIB with a total flow of 1944 vehicles or 1927 smp / hour with a direction separation of 50% each, the side obstacle is 149 (classified as low), the degree of saturation of the road is 0.82, the capacity of the road section (C) is 2341 smp / hour and the free flow speed is 75km / hour with an average speed of 57km / hour and a travel time of 31.3 seconds while crossing the road along 500m. Existing road bends have a width of 9m radius (R) = 155.45m, a bend angle of 59?, and superelevation reaches 8.8% with a bend length (L) of 160m. After evaluation and analysis, the bend radius Rmin = 210m and Rc = 239m with a Plan Speed (VR) of 80km obtained a superelevation of 9.8% and widened the bend to 11m. The existing signs at the bend are incomplete to provide information related to the safety and condition of the road bend so that it is necessary to add signs in accordance with the Minister of Transportation Regulation No. PM 13 of 2014 concerning warning signs of changes in horizontal alignment conditions.} }