@thesis{thesis, author={Ade Irwina Safitri Ade irwina}, title ={Implementation of the Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) Law on Sextortion Victims in cyberspace}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/750/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Sectorization is one type of cyber crime (cyber sex), literally the term sextortion comes from the words sex and extortion. Sex is defined as sex/sexual and extortion is defined as blackmail. If interpreted etymologically, sextortion means sexual blackmail. Sectorization can be interpreted as the authority of someone who takes advantage of another person by providing violence and endangering other people, in the form of danger to a person's physical, property, psychological and reputation. The aim of this thesis is to find out how the law regulates victims of sextortion crimes in cyberspace. The thesis research method is normative legal research, namely legal research that views law as a constructive normative system. The norm system is related to the principles of norms, provisions of laws and regulations, court decisions, agreements and doctrines. The type of data used is secondary data with the data collection technique used is library research, namely in the form of collecting secondary data that is related to the problem. researched and classified according to cataloging. After all the data was collected, it was then analyzed using qualitative data analysis methods. From this research, it can be seen that there is no clarity regarding the regulation of the crime of sextortion, the weakness of the legal umbrella and legal certainty regarding sextortion cases makes it difficult to obtain justice for victims of sextortion. Therefore, there is a need to perfect the law regarding clear jurisdiction regarding special laws or lex sepcialis for the crime of sextortion, so that it can minimize and criminalize law enforcement in sextortion cases which will come with a variety of different new modes. In law enforcement for the crime of sextortion, there are two factors that influence the first, external factors, namely, statutory factors, law enforcement officers, infrastructure and facility factors, community factors and cultural factors. Meanwhile, the second factor, internal factors, namely economic factors, individual factors themselves, lack of faith, factors of public ignorance.} }