@thesis{thesis, author={Nafi' Mardliyyatus}, title ={HUBUNGAN SELF AWARENESS DENGAN QUARTER LIFE CRISIS PADA MAHASISWA TINGKAT AKHIR DI JOMBANG}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/812/}, abstract={This research aims to determine the relationship between Self Awareness and Quarter Life Crisis in Final Year Students in Jombang. Quarter life crisis is a period of emotional crisis experienced by individuals at the emerging adulthood stage, namely the transition from adolescence to early adulthood which is characterized by the emergence of feelings of anxiety, confusion and excessive worry as well as feelings of helplessness regarding the purpose of life. The research subjects were final year students in Jombang Regency, totaling 103 respondents. The data collection technique was carried out online using Google Form using purposive random sampling technique. Based on the results of the Pearson correlation test analysis, the correlation coefficient (r2) = -0.768 with a significance value of 0.000 (? <0.05) was obtained. This shows that there is a significant negative correlation between Self Awareness and Quarter Life Crisis in Final Year Students in Jombang Regency.} }