@thesis{thesis, author={Permana Putra Dwi Andika}, title ={ANALYSIS OF ROAD DAMAGE USING THE SURFACE DISTRESS INDEX (SDI) METHOD ON THE MOJOAGUNG - MOJODUWUR ROAD}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/837/}, abstract={The Mojoagung ? Mojoduwur road segment plays a strategic role in the economy of Jombang Regency. The existing damages on this road will hinder activities for road users. Therefore, the author aims to analyze the level of damage on the Mojoagung ? Mojoduwur road segment using the Surface Distress Index (SDI) method, in order to provide considerations for the Jombang Regency Government through the relevant departments for addressing issues on this road. The observation method and documentation method are the techniques used in preparing this final project. The observation method aims to collect necessary data by visiting the Mojoagung - Mojoduwur road segment directly, analyzing the types of damage, conducting measurements, and taking documentation. Based on the results of the Surface Distress Index (SDI) analysis, it is found that the most common type of damage on the Mojoagung ? Mojoduwur road segment is surface cracking, accounting for 17.51%. The condition of the road segment is categorized as Good for 3,800 meters, Moderate for 1,356 meters, Slightly Damaged for 1,900 meters, and Heavily Damaged for 1,200 meters. As for the proposed handling or repairs on the Mojoagung ? Mojoduwur road segment, it is suggested that Routine Maintenance be conducted over 5,156 meters, Periodic Maintenance over 1,900 meters, and Reconstruction over 1,200 meters.} }