@thesis{thesis, author={martiana ervina}, title ={THE ROLE OF VILLAGE GOVERNMENT IN REDUCING STUNTING RATES IN JIPURAPAH VILLAGE PLANDAAN DISTRICT JOMBANG DISTRICT}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/859/}, abstract={THE ROLE OF VILLAGE GOVERNMENT IN REDUCING STUNTING RATES IN JIPURAPAH VILLAGE PLANDAAN DISTRICT JOMBANG DISTRICT Ervina Martiana NIM. 202365201004 ABSTRACT Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that affects children's growth and development, with short-term and long-term impacts, such as low cognitive ability and susceptibility to disease. Based on UNICEF data, around 1 in 4 children under five in the world are stunted, and in Indonesia, the prevalence of stunting reached 37.2% in 2018. Stunting is also associated with poverty levels and low productivity. In this context, the Jipurapah Village Government plays an important role in reducing stunting rates through family welfare empowerment programs. This research explores the role of the Jipurapah Village Government in reducing stunting rates, by focusing on implementing health, education and economic empowerment programs. Through programs such as Posyandu, skills training, and the Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) campaign, the Village Government has succeeded in increasing public awareness about the importance of nutrition, health and cleanliness. Despite facing participation challenges and limited facilities, good coordination and administrative transparency have strengthened the success of the program. As a result, the stunting rate in Jipurapah has decreased significantly from year to year. Keywords: Stunting, Family Empowerment, Village Government.} }