@thesis{thesis, author={Kusuma Wardhani Rosalina}, title ={Planning And Cost Analysis For Pavement Road Construction On The Tulungagung-Trenggalek Road Section (KM 0+000 s/d KM 4+200)}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/862/}, abstract={This road segment is an existing road segment, with a pavement structure consisting of an asphalt penetration macadam road on a Telford foundation. The existing road surface is largely damaged, the asphalt width and shoulder are generally uneven and have not been sloped, so it needs to be redesigned. Meanwhile, the pavement condition on this road segment can no longer accommodate the existing vehicle volume, resulting in many damaged roads and traffic congestion. For that reason, it is necessary to plan the road pavement properly, so that the road sections are durable and comfortable for road users. This research aims to determine the appropriate thickness of asphalt pavement, to understand the road geometry, and to ascertain the Cost Budget Plan for the redesign of the Tulungagung - Trenggalek road. This research uses qualitative methods to directly observe and examine the research object, allowing the researcher to record and gather the necessary data to reveal the conducted research. The data was processed using the Bina Marga method, which is based on the Component Analysis Method (SNI 1732-1989-F) and the Flexible Pavement Guidelines Pt. T-2002-B. Based on the analysis and discussion results, the conclusion for the road geometry (vertical curve) on this road segment is a PLV value of 1196.18 m, a PPV value of 1199.05 m, and a PTV value of 1200 m. The thickness of the asphalt pavement (flexible pavement) on the Tulungagung - Trenggalek road section Km 0+00 to 4+200 is 5cm for the asphalt layer, 20cm for the crushed stone layer, and 14cm for the gravel layer. The budget plan for the re-planning of the Tulungagung?Trenggalek road section Km 0+00 to 4+200 is Rp. 11,112,900,000.} }