@thesis{thesis, author={Rahmat Faruq Fajar}, title ={PERFORMANCE STUDY OF SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION AT SENTUL TEMBELANG INTERSECTION}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/866/}, abstract={Intersections are a part that must be considered in order to smooth traffic flow in urban areas because the existence of intersections cannot be avoided in urban transportation systems. The existence of intersections must be managed properly and carefully so that a good intersection is obtained. The placement of intersections is determined by location, planning, To determine the performance of the Sentul 4-way intersection, a survey and data calculation are needed using the Indonesian road capacity manual (MKJI 1997) The results of observations obtained geometric conditions of the eastern approach intersection 4.6 meters, the northern approach 6.5 meters, the western approach 3.8 meters, the southern approach 6.5 meters. traffic flow of the eastern approach 160 pcu/hour, the northern approach 434 pcu/hour, the western approach 131 pcu/hour, the southern approach 478 pcu/hour. The capacity value of the eastern approach is 204 smp/hour, the northern approach is 481 smp/hour, the western approach is 164 smp/hour, the southern approach is 647 smp/hour. For the Dj value of the eastern approach is 0.78, the northern approach is 0.90, the western approach is 0.79, the southern approach is 0.73, the standard Dj value is <0.85 because the northern approach value is 0.90, the performance of the northern approach is unstable. To maximize the performance of the intersection, it is focused on geometric widening, so it is necessary to improve the performance of the intersection in existing conditions.} }