@thesis{thesis, author={erdi saputro gagas}, title ={THE ROLE OF THE VILLAGE HEAD IN IMPROVING SERVICES PUBLIC VIA ID-BILLING FOR PAYMENT OF LAND AND BUILDING TAX (PBB)}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/875/}, abstract={THE ROLE OF THE VILLAGE HEAD IN IMPROVING SERVICES PUBLIC VIA ID-BILLING FOR PAYMENT OF LAND AND BUILDING TAX (PBB) GAGAS ERDI SAPUTRO NIM : 202365201005 ABSTRACT This study evaluates the role of the Head of Jogoroto Village in enhancing public services through the implementation of ID Billing for land and building tax (PBB) payments. Based on interviews with the Village Head, the Village Secretary, the Head of Public Services, and residents, it was found that the Village Head, Mr. Sodirin, played a crucial role in the dissemination and education of the ID Billing system. The research employed a qualitative method, allowing for an in-depth exploration of the roles and experiences of the informants in the implementation process. According to Erving Goffman's role theory, Mr. Sodirin manages public impressions as an efficient leader, acts as a facilitator of technological change, and adjusts strategies to address infrastructural and social challenges. The study concludes that Mr. Sodirin's effective leadership in the implementation of the ID Billing system helped build trust and support the technological adaptation of the village residents, thereby enhancing the quality of public services in Jogoroto Village. Keywords: taxes, public services, role of village head} }