@thesis{thesis, author={Ulfa Maria}, title ={PERAN GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DALAM MEMBENTUK KARAKTER NILAI KEJUJURAN DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH TAMAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/902/}, abstract={Maria Ulfa: The Role of Islamic Religious Education Teachers in Forming the Character of Honesty Values at Taman Pendidikan Islam Middle School in Mojoagung Jombang. Islamic Religious Education Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Darul Ulum University, Jombang, 2024. The topic of this research is about the role of teachers in forming students' morals, namely about honesty in the Junior High School environment. This study aims to determine the role of teachers in forming the character of honesty values at Taman Pendidikan Islam Middle School and its supporting and inhibiting factors. The researcher used a Qualitative research design. The research location or location that the researcher used as the object of this study was at Taman Pendidikan Islam Middle School Mojoagung which is located in Kebonsari Hamlet No. 44, Karangwinongn Village, Mojoagung District, Jombang Regency. This research was conducted for 3 months. The procedures used in data collection in this study used observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The data analysis techniques used were data collection, data reduction, data presentation followed by drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the role of teachers in instilling honesty values in grade VII students of SMP Taman Pendidikan Islam can be seen through activities in the classroom and outside the classroom. At SMP TPI, there is a role for teachers that is shown through efforts to form honesty characters during Islamic Religious Education learning, the learning methods used, the process of forming honest morals through Islamic Religious Education learning, and support from the school. The supporting factors are the role of teachers in instilling honesty values, namely awareness in students, student obedience to Religion and support from all teachers. And the inhibiting factors are teachers in instilling honesty values, namely parental factors, the environment outside the school and fear of telling the truth. Keywords: Islamic Religious Education; Honesty; Islamic Education Park.} }