@thesis{thesis, author={elfatih dea}, title ={MINUMAN SURGA DAN KONTEKSTUALISASINYA TERHADAP KESEHATAN (Analisis Tematik QS. al-Insa>n, 76: 17 perspektif Wahbah Zuhaili dalam Kitab Tafsirnya al-M{uni>r )}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/943/}, abstract={ABSTRAC Dea Elfatih: Heaven's Drink and Its Contextualization for Health (Thematic Analysis of QS. al-Insa>n 76:17 Wahbah Zuhaili's Perspective in the Book of Tafsir Al-Muni>r), Study Program of Al-Qur'an and Tafsir, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Darul 'Ulum University, Jombang, 2024. This research is themed on the analysis of heaven's drink mentioned in QS. Al-Insa>n 76:17 with a focus on studying the concept of zanjabil from the perspective of interpretation and science. With the aim of identifying and understanding the meaning and spiritual implications of heaven's drink in the context of Islamic teachings. This research is qualitative, using thematic analysis methods. In answering the problems that have been formulated, the author tries through library research, namely collecting data from various literature from primary data and secondary data. Meanwhile, data analysis is done descriptively as a stage of reviewing texts, messages, instructions or information from sources then confirmed with integrated and holistic units towards general conclusions. The results of this study indicate that ginger (zanjabil) is included in one of the plants listed in the Qur'an, which also has medicinal properties and is used as a spice for cooking. To strengthen this study, the author quotes the book of tafsir al-Muni>r by Wahbah Zuhaili, it is stated that ginger (zanjabil) is given to believers in Heaven. This drink with a mixture of ginger comes from Salsabil's tears which are delicious and easy to swallow. While in terms of science, ginger (zanjabil) has quite a lot of good nutrition, such as essential oils, gingerol, bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that can reduce cholesterol and heart disease and cancer. Keywords: zanjabil, tafsir al-Muni>r, science.} }