@thesis{thesis, author={nur cahyono yono}, title ={ANALYSIS OF ROAD PERFORMANCE DUE TO SIDE OBSTACLES AT PT JOMBANG – ROAD MOJOKERTO JOMBANG DISTRICT}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/975/}, abstract={ANALYSIS OF ROAD PERFORMANCE DUE TO SIDE OBSTACLES AT PT JOMBANG ? ROAD MOJOKERTO JOMBANG DISTRICT nur cahyono NIM202322201044 Abstrac Side obstacles are activities beside the road that greatly disrupt the smooth flow of traffic. The large number of vehicle accesses in and out of the land along the road further increases the density of the road. Jalan Peterongan - Mojoagung is located around the Jombang Samsat office, the location is adjacent to PT Pei Hai International Wiratama Indonesia which is a shoe manufacturing factory, and the number of employees is around 7000 people. When the factory employees go home or go to work, the location experiences obstacles in the form of side obstacles with pedestrians caused by the PT workers. Based on this, as a researcher, I will examine the side obstacles that occur on the road section. In this study, the method used is the Indonesian road capacity guidelines (PKJI 2023). Based on this study, the highest traffic volume was obtained at 06:30-08:30 for the morning, and at noon 11:00-13:00 and for the afternoon 15:00-17:00. The highest volume levels are during the morning and afternoon hours.} }