@thesis{thesis, author={Mohammad Iqbal Hanafi Iqbal}, title ={PERUBAHAN INTERAKSI SOSIAL PENGGUNA APLIKASI TIKTOK (Studi Fenomenologi Pada Siswa SMK Negeri 3 Jombang)}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/977/}, abstract={The topic of study in this study is about changes in social interactions of TikTok application users and the impacts they have on teenagers. This research was conducted in Jombang City, using a qualitative research method with a purposive technique for determining informants which was then studied using the phenomenological theory proposed by Alfred Schutz. The informants in this study consisted of students from SMK Negeri 3 Jombang. The results of this study found that there were several changes in the social interactions of TikTok users, namely 1. Use of TikTok as an Entertainment Media, the results of the study showed that men tend to use TikTok as an entertainment media, such as making and watching interesting and viral videos, 2. Learning Behavior The results of the study showed that students of SMK Negeri 3 Jombang were more susceptible to decreased attention to learning because they spent more time playing with cellphones than opening books, 3. Social Interaction The results of the study showed that the use of TikTok could result in a lack of social interaction with people around them because they spent more time interacting through screens than directly. While in the second point about the impact of TikTok users, including negative and positive impacts. The positive impacts are (a) the use of TikTok helps students to facilitate the learning process at school, (b) the use of TikTok can help students communicate with distant friends and interact with new friends, (c) the use of TikTok can be a forum for developing students' creativity and self-expression, (d) the use of TikTok helps students to always be up to date. Meanwhile, the negative impacts are (a) TikTok can disrupt students' concentration on learning because too much time is spent using TikTok, (b) it can make students fall for hoax news, (c) it can cause wasting time or wasting time, (d) it can disrupt rest time, (e) it can lead to consumer behavior. Key words: social media, tik tok, changes in social interaction.} }