@thesis{thesis, author={Ardiansyah Totok}, title ={Implementation of Creed Learning in Forming Students' Morals at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fathul Huda Grobogan Mojowarno Jombang}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.undar.ac.id/id/eprint/983/}, abstract={The topic of this research is to discuss the implementation of learning moral beliefs in shaping the morals of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fathul Huda Grobogan Mojowarno Jombang students. This research aims to determine the implementation of learning moral beliefs in shaping student morals at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fathul Huda, and to find out the obstacles to learning moral beliefs among students at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fathul Huda Grobogan Mojowarno Jombang. This research is included in the type of descriptive qualitative approach field research. This research was carried out at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fathul Huda which is located on Jl. Captain Tendean No. 01 Grobogan, Mojowarno, Jombang, 61475. On March 23 - April 5 2024. The source of this data is data obtained directly from the original source with the madrasah, namely the principal, teacher of the moral aqidah subject, one of the 5th grade students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fathul Huda, and supporting documents from Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fathul Huda Grobogan Mojowarno Jombang. The data collection technique used is interviews, observation and documentation. The analysis techniques used are inductive, deductive and comparative methods. The research results were proven to have a significant influence in shaping students' character positively. Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted, it appears that these madrasa students consistently demonstrate behavior that reflects moral values, such as good manners, worshiping with discipline, and interacting with others with a good attitude. They are also used to carrying out religious activities such as Dhuha prayers, reciting the book Aqidatul Awwam, and participating in religious events such as Tahlil and Istighosah. And moral education does not only focus on teaching theory, but also successfully applies these values in students' daily lives. This is in line with character education theories which emphasize the importance of integrating moral values in the curriculum to form individuals with noble and responsible character. The obstacles experienced in learning moral beliefs at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Fathul Huda Grobogan Mojowarno Jombang are the influence of social interactions and the use of technology (HP).} }