@thesis{thesis, author={ASMAD and MOHAMMAD and NONNY }, title ={A Descriptive Study on Students' Reading Comprehension Through English Newspaper Text}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={ABSTRACT Asmad Badu, 2015. "the Desrciptive Study on Students' Reading Comprehension through English Newspaper Text (This Research Conducted At SMA Negeri 2 Kwandang In The Second Grades). Principal Supervisor is Nonny Bassalama, MA, P.hD and Co. Supervisor is Moh. Syahrun Ibrahim, S.Pd, M.Ed In teaching and learning process at senior high school, reading has less time allotment. However, students always have more examinations in reading even in final examination. So that why I was interested to do this research because it is important to know students' ability on reading text. The research conducted to desrcibe students' reading comprehension through English Newspaper text. The problem statements is; "how is students' reading comprehenion through English newspaper text?". Methodology on this research was descriptive qualitative. The participants of this research was students at class XI IPSC SMA Negeri 2 Kwandang. The instrument of this research is English newspaper text to describe students' reading comprehension. I concluded that students' reading comprehension on test 1 (62%) and test 2 (64%). It can be caterogized as good by reaching 63% of the ideal score. Unfortunately, my item analysis, interview and portfolio observation revealed that students: (1) are lack of vocabulary; (2) are difficult to interpret the questions given; (3) cannot understand the whole content of the text; and (4) have weaknesses in analyzing the generic stucture of the text. Therefore it is suggested to English teacher to include English newspaper in teaching and learning process in the classroom. Keywords: Reading Comprehension and English Newspaper text. } }