@thesis{thesis, author={Dr. and INDRAWATY and SUPARTIN }, title ={hubungan antara minat belajar dan kecerdasan logis matematis dengan hasil belajar fisika siswa sma}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={ABSTRACK The Relation of students Learning Interest and Mathematics Logic Intelligence toword Students Learning Achievement of Physics Education, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Gorontalo. The Principal supervisor was Dr. Masri Kudrat Umar and co-supervisor was Supartin, M.Pd. The research aimed at investigating the relation of students' learning achievement and mathematics logic intelligence toward students' learning achievement of Physics subject at SMA Muhammadiyah Batudaa. The research applied quantitative method ussing statistic analysis through regression and correlation tests. From the result of the measurement, it gained the regression eguation as Y =64,203+0,425X_1+0,476X_2 which meant that each increase as one unit of the score of students' learning interest and mathematics logic intelligence, it would be followed by the increaseof the score of Physics learning achievement as 0,425 and 0,476 at the constanta of 64,203. The hypothesis test showed that the correlation coefficient resulted r= 0,6417 and determination coefficient resulted r2=0,41185 or 41,19%. Thus, the test of the significance of correlation coefficient gained thet the of tcount was higher than the value of ttable, or it can be stated as follows: 9,45>1.7 at level of significance as 0,05. Thus, it can be concluded that there was a relation of students' learning achievement and mathematics logic intelligence toward students' learning achievement of Physics subject at SMA Muhammadiyah Batudaa. Therefore, the teacher should be creative to improve students' learning interest in order the Physics learning goals can be achieved. Keywords: Learning Interest, Mathematics Logic Intelligence, and Students' Learning Achievement of Physics. } }