@thesis{thesis, author={EDI and MOHAMMAD and SITTI }, title ={Penerapan SMS Gateway Untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan Informasi Akademik Siswa}, year={2015}, url={}, abstract={The development of information system and communication technology causes the increase of SMS-based academi information system. one of the implementation of the information technology development is SMS Gateway. Currently, particularly in school, the academic information has been delvered through letter. Sometimes, parents forget to pay tuition fee. Whereas, free tuition fee reminder was a prerequirement to follow the semester examination. Also, several parents do not know the information related to the scores that the students get due to parents' activity of working and also because the students do not want the parents know about the score. Therefore, the researcher will implement web-based SMS Gateway system to solve those problems. This system can make the information service of tuition fee payment, students' score and other academic information that are needed by parents become more easy, fast, and costless. This aplication is designed and made by using PHP, Mysql as its database and gammu to develop SMS gateway. Then, it used research and development methode for its development. Keywords : Information system, school, SMS Gateway, Gammu, PHP } }