@thesis{thesis, author={Pujiono Pujiono}, title ={PEMBERIAN PENGUATAN (REINFORCEMENT) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI DAN PRESTASI BELAJAR SISWA PADA BIDANG STUDI PKn DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA SATU ATAP NEGERI 04 KARANG TINGGI BENGKULU TENGAH }, year={2015}, url={http://repository.unib.ac.id/10647/}, abstract={This study aims to describe the increase in motivation and student achievement through the provision of reinforcement (reinforcement) on the field of study in high school Civics First One-Stop State 04 KarangTinggi BengkuluTengah. This research was carried out by three cycles and each cycle consists of four stages, planning, reflection, implementation, and observations. Data from the learning results obtained through the results of the learning process. Data analysis was performed by means of data reduction, testing data and draw conclusions. Based on the data analysis I siclus average value has not reached the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). Further reflection and discussion conducted with collaborators to make improvements on siclus II. After carrying out the action on the second siclus the results showed that the application of reinforcement (reinforcement) can increase motivation and student achievement. Even on the third siclus motivation and student learning outcomes experienced significant increases in Civics subject in Middle School First State 04 Satu Atap Karang Tinggi Bengkulu Tengah obtained from the analysis that the application of reinforcement (reinforcement) learning activity of students in the first act also increased until the final act. } }