@thesis{thesis, author={Rohmah Siti}, title ={ANALISIS KELAYAKAN USAHA PENGOLAHAN KOPI ROBUSTA (Coffea canephora) PADA KELOMPOK TANI HUTAN (KTH) CIBULAO HIJAU DI DESA TUGU UTARA KECAMATAN CISARUA KABUPATEN BOGOR}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.unida.ac.id/1628/}, abstract={ABSTRACT SITI ROHMAH. A.1410473. Feasibility Analysis of Robusta Coffee (Coffea canephora) Processing Business at Cibulao Hijau Forest Farmer Group (KTH) in Tugu Utara Village Cisarua District Bogor Regency. Under immediate supervision of Himmatul Miftah and Arti Yoesdiarti. Coffee is an important plantation crop in Indonesia. Cibulao Hijau KTH processes specialty coffee including robusta coffee from red cherry beans to green beans, roasted beans, and ground coffee. This study was aimed at assessing financial and non financial feasibility and sensitivity of robusta coffee processing business. A purposive sampling with six respondents was used. Data were subjected to qualitative and quantitative analyses. In the feasibility analysis, criteria of investment feasibility were used. Results of non financial analysis showed that considering the market, technical, managerial, and human resource aspects and socioeconomic and environmental impacts, the business was feasible. Results of financial analysis showed that the NPV was Rp1.042.607.480 indicating that the business was feasible. IRR was found to be 301%. PI was found to be 16,19 meaning that a profit of Rp 16,19 was gained for every Rp 1,00 expense. Discounted Payback Period (DPP) was 1 year 4,2 months meaning that the business was feasible to run as DPP was less than the business economic life of about 8 years. Results of the sensitivity analysis by using a switching value approach showed that maximum decrease in product quantity and selling price was 30% and maximum increase in price of coffee bean raw material was 92%. Key words: Coffee, specialty, KTH, feasibility analysis, sensitivity} }